Kindly personally claim your Certificates of Eligibility (CoE) for the Career Service Examination, Computer-Assisted Test (CSE-CAT) at the Examination, Recruitment, and Placement Office (ERPO) of the CSC Central Office, IBP Road, Constitution Hills, Quezon City.
For this purpose, bring two (2) valid Identification Cards with your picture, date of birth and signature, and your application receipt, if available. Also, bring the two (2) identical photos similar to the picture you pasted on the Picture-Seat Plan during the examination. One photo shall be pasted on your CoE, and the other one on the E6 Form which is for the registration in our Database of Qualified Eligibles.
Further, if the CoEs are still unclaimed by September 28, 2012, we will dispose of your original CoEs, and thereafter, the Civil Service Commission, through the Integrated Records and Management Office (IRMO), can only issue a certification of your civil service eligibility upon payment of the fee of one hundred pesos (PHP100.00).
Kindly personally claim your Certificates of Eligibility (CoE) for the Career Service Examination, Computer-Assisted Test (CSE-CAT) at the Examination, Recruitment, and Placement Office (ERPO) of the CSC Central Office, IBP Road, Constitution Hills, Quezon City.
For this purpose, bring two (2) valid Identification Cards with your picture, date of birth and signature, and your application receipt, if available. Also, bring the two (2) identical photos similar to the picture you pasted on the Picture-Seat Plan during the examination. One photo shall be pasted on your CoE, and the other one on the E6 Form which is for the registration in our Database of Qualified Eligibles.
Further, if the CoEs are still unclaimed by September 28, 2012, we will dispose of your original CoEs, and thereafter, the Civil Service Commission, through the Integrated Records and Management Office (IRMO), can only issue a certification of your civil service eligibility upon payment of the fee of one hundred pesos (PHP100.00).
Name of Eligible / Date of Examination
A. Professional Level
1. ABAD, MARIJIM C. - January 21, 2010
2. APO, MARIA CECILIA S. - May 4, 2011
3. AQUINO, AURORA DENISE D. - July 7, 2011
4. AQUINO, FRANCIS MICHIEL C. - August 18, 2009
5. BARCENAS, RUPERTSON O. - June 10, 2010
6. BASCO, MARIE ANGELINE O. - July 14, 2011
7. CAMACHO, CHESTER JAN T. - August 24, 2010
8. CASTILLO, MICHELLE D. - August 11, 2009
9. DE LEON, MICHAEL JONNATHAN - September 17, 2010
10. DE VERA, KESTER RAY L. - February 15, 2011
11. ESQUIVEL, SHIELA CAMILE S. - May 25, 2011
12. FERNANDEZ, LEO T. - September 23, 2008
13. GALANG, EILEEN C. - May 28, 2010
14. LAUREL, ANDREA CASSANDRA B. - October 20, 2009
15. LUNTOK, LOUIE NIKKOLAI S. - October 14, 2009
16. MADARIETA, JOAN THERESA M. - August 18, 2011
17. MANSET LANY O. - November 18, 2010
18. OCAMPO, JANETH CHRISTINE A. - December 2, 2010
19. PAMPOSA CONIE P. - May 21, 2010
20. PANGANIBAN, KIMPEE M. - March 4, 2011
21. QUEDDENG, JORDANA S. - July 15, 2010
22. RELAMPAGOS, KRISTINA V. - July 10, 2008
23. REYES, PAUL VINCENT L. - June 11, 2010
24. SIY, KRISTINE LEA G. - March 20, 2012
25. TAN, JAMES MATHEW W. - September 15, 2011
B. SubProfessional Level
1. AMADOR, RICKY C. - April 7, 2009
2. SAN JUAN, ADRIAN C. - September 17, 2010
3. TOLEDO, JAZMINE M. - July 24, 2012
4. VILLANUEVA, JOAN ROSE N. - July 24, 2012
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